impressive growth trajectory has not translated into a
corresponding increase in jobs. Of the 12 million Indians who
join the workforce each year, less than 1 million are able to
find meaningful, dignified and adequately remunerative work in
the formal economy.
Creating an inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem is critical to
ensure the sustainability of the enterprises of tomorrow that
will absorb the growing workforce. Job and entrepreneurship
opportunities for large sections of the economically active
population, particularly youth and women, remain limited. This is
closely linked to the lack of an enabling ecosystem for
innovation, entrepreneurship and incubation at the individual
level and at the economy-wide level, and limited services
delivery that underpin development of new economic opportunities.
Over the past several years, a consistent gap in capital and
support for rural enterprises has been highlighted. Start-up
Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP) intends to play a
critical role in bridging this gap. The objective of SVEP
is to help the rural poor come out of poverty by helping them
set up enterprises and provide support till the enterprises
It focuses on
- Providing sustainable livelihoods and self-employment
opportunities with financial assistance and training in
business management and soft skills
- Creating local community cadre for promotion of
- Building and supporting early-stage rural enterprises
by providing them with a range of critical services, such as
business development support, mentoring, finance, as well as
access to the banking system along with guidance for
convergence and integration with other government schemes.
All this is based on the conviction that SVEP will give a
push to non-farm livelihoods, especially skill based work and
small enterprises, thereby creating jobs and stimulating
long-term economic growth and produce social benefits.
Above all, the programme is so designed as to democratise
entrepreneurship by putting funding decisions into the hands of
community-based organisations themselves.
Enterprises in their early stages and new enterprises, which
would otherwise have found difficulty in getting off the ground
are being promoted and supported.
This is done with an Information technology based work-flow
management system, which is made of a Web-based system as well as
a Mobile-based system. This system make managing and offering
day-to-day support easy and efficient.
SVEP is a part of the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National
Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM), a centrally sponsored
programme implemented since June 2011. SVEP is a budget announced
scheme and was approved in May 2015 as a sub-scheme under the
NRLM and the guidelines were issued on 15th June 2015.